
About Matt

I am not a scientist. I am trained as an attorney, and work as a real estate developer in St. Louis, Missouri. I am also not autistic, though I share many characteristics with people who have a diagnosis. My strengths are similar to strengths you see in high functioning autistics. My weaknesses are also reminiscent of those seen in persons with autism. I call myself autotypal, a person sharing a personality type with persons with autism but who does not reach the threshold for a diagnosis. One characteristic that I very much share with high-functioning autistics is obsessions with areas of intellectual interest, which I use as a control seeking behavior to modulate perception of stress. Today's obsession happens to be autism, which you will recognize if you read the 125 pageĀ tomeĀ on autism on the "Theory in Detail" page.

Autism Blog

A Letter to Dr. Lynn Waterhouse

This is a copy of the letter I sent to Dr. Lynn Waterhouse, an autism research pioneer, in response to an article she wrote called 'Autism Overflows: Increasing Incidence and Proliferating Theories. My letter attempts to integrate much of the content of her paper with my theories. I will let you know if she responds, which I suspect is unlikely, but we will see.

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Coming Soon...

 I don't want any readers out there (to the extent there are any) to think I am not hard at work. I have just added a whole new section on Vaccines and Autism, where I try to add a fresh perspective to the debate. I try to apply pure logic to the various arguments about vaccines and autism, to see if I can shed any light on the truth. Like most things I write, it is a pretty challenging read. I still have work to do on this section, but I am going to move on for the moment.

I have some new projects under way that should be posted soon. First, I am doing two papers on topics related to neural excitation imbalance in autism. One involves the paper published several months ago by Henry Markram et al, The Intense World Syndrome - An Alternative Hypothesis for Autism. You can find the paper here. The other paper involves the protein mTOR, an intracellular protein that is crucially involved in cell growth and reproduction, as well as neural signalling in the brain. It is intimately involved in both tuberous sclerosis and fragile x syndrome, two the most common genetic causes of autism. It is fascinating, at least to me.

My second project involves engaging in my own analysis of whether autism rates are actually increasing, or whether autism is just diagnosed more often today and has always existed at current levels. There are dozens of scientific papers on the matter, which I am in the process of reviewing. I think the application of logic to this question can unearth some perspectives that scientists necessarily miss because of the constraints of the scientific method. This is a crucial piece of the puzzle for my theory on autism - if autism rates are not actually increasing, then my whole theory probably comes crashing down in pieces.

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Hannah Poling

Mitochondrial Disorders, Vaccines, and Autism

The case of Hannah Poling has been the most discussed topic in the autism world in the last few months. Hannah is a 9 year old girl who was just awarded a settlement by the United States Department of Health and Human Services related to a vaccination she received. Shortly after she received a vaccination for 5 diseases at 19 months, she quickly developed various health problems along with the symptoms of autism. She had been developing normally, according to her parents, but in the months after the shots, she developed a fever and litany of other symptoms including diarrhea, appetite loss and intermittent screaming. A pediatric neurologist examining her later noted that she had lost some of the speech she had previously acquired, was no longer making eye contact, and was no longer sleeping through the night.

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